Ghalib Nawaz
Mr. Ghalib Nawaz belongs to Hafizabad Punjab and he was born on February 12, 1988. Mr. Nawaz obtained LL.M degree with specialization in Dispute Resolutions Law, from the University Law College, University of Sargodha. He has been working as an Associate Lawyer at Hammer and Chatrry Law firm. His areas of interest include Banking Laws, Constitutional Law, and Intellectual Property related laws. He has attended many conferences and workshops e.g. “Asian Youth Conference & Peace Festival” as a National Delegate in 2011 and attended workshop on ‘Critical Thinking and Conflict Resolution’ by HSB (Germen Based Organization). Mr. Nawaz is also awarded with best production and script writing award by Adobe International Organization on documentary ‘Life at Ravi’. He aims to ensure the social and economic justice in the society.
Youth Standing Committee on Rule of Law